Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4 On The Way

In news that will surprise precisely no one, Paramount have confirmed that 2012 will see the arrival of a fourth instalment of the Paranormal Activity series.

Whilst critics lamented the diminishing originality of the found footage phenomenon, Paranormal Activity 3 was still one of the studio’s star performers in 2011, pulling in more than $200 million worldwide.

The announcement was accompanied by the news that Paramount achieved the highest total combined gross of any studio in 2011, making a record $5.17 billion worldwide.

“This achievement reflects the combined efforts of our entire team across the globe and the careful process by which we select the projects and partners we believe in,” said Chairman & CEO Brad Grey. “We produce pictures that aspire to entertain audiences around the world, while at the same time we have sought to find innovative ways to reach movie-goers in this changing entertainment environment.”

And what could be more innovative than a third sequel to a wildly successful horror movie? Expect Paranormal Activity 4 to come shuffling into cinemas sometime around Halloween… TotalFilm

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