Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Steve Harvey Clowns Cornel West & Tavis Smiley For Criticizing Obama. Calls Them Uncle Toms [Audio]

Steve Harvey has taken off the gloves and is going right at the throats of Cornel West and Tavis Smiley for their criticism of President Obama.

Smiley, a longtime television broadcaster and West, a Princeton professor, host the Smiley & West show on Public Radio International. The two announced plans to hold a Poverty Bus Tour.

According to The Root, the "Poverty Tour: A Call to Conscience" will travel to soup kitchens, Indian reservations and low-income communities. West and Smiley will stay overnight at the homes of families struggling in today's economy.

A big topic of debate is sure to be frequent target Obama.

West told BET that a big reason for the tour is what he sees as Obama's commitment to bankers more than poor people.

"I think that every citizen in a democracy has a moral obligation to be concerned about the weak and vulnerable and the president of the United States is a citizen," West said. "When he says he has the exact same responsibility to every member of society, I just say it’s not true, he’s lying. It’s clear that he has more commitment to investment banks than he does to poor people. It’s just clear because when they got in trouble he gave them $700 billion; he subsidized them. They have not made poor people a priority. That’s why we’re going on the tour."

Rev. Al Sharpton, Tom Joyner, and now Harvey are firing back at West and Smiley.

Harvey addressed the situation on his radio show a couple of days ago.

"I was a huge fan of Cornel West," said Harvey. "Tavis, I seen him coming a mile away. His anger started when he had a town hall meeting, President Obama couldn't come because of the campaign trail and he sent Mrs. Obama. He has held that grudge every since. You don't have any real basis behind your dislike for this keep masking it saying it's not about hate. Then what is it about? Poverty existed before January 20, 2008. Where was your damn bus then?"

Harvey then clowned West and Smiley in a skit titled - "Uncle Tom Look Out" where an Uncle Tom is driving the bus.

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